“Cost control bubble” is hygiene Procurement

When you’ve been tempted during a romantic date to explain how often you take a shower and brush your teeth, forget it. There’ s no larger obstacle to take the next step together. Cost control is like personal hygiene for Procurement. It’s a fundamental condition to create value for the client together with the business. At the end of the day that’s all the business cares about. Although the business has to be convinced that the costs are under control. This conviction won’t be strengthened if the conversation is all about cost control. You don’t want them explaining you what’s the best way to do it. When Procurement wants the conversation to deal with value creation for the client, they have to get out of the “cost contol bubble”. This is only possible when there’re no doubts about this subject and Procurement dares to claim it. For Procurement the leadership needed to get this position becomes increasingly crucial to take the next step .Fortunately there is an increased awareness among both business and Procurement. This trend could fuel the development of the needed competences of Procurement
Auteur van Gaal
Publicatiedatum 26-6-2019 16:11