The "Why" of Procurement
People pull back into their own chosen people group. Groups move away from each other and between countries we are building walls by bricks or tariffs. Are today's challenges too big for us and are we looking for security in our comfort zone? Short term, that’s what everybody feels. Actually do we still dare to connect to the other on a sincere and vulnerable way. Discovering your own strength leads to the leadership that will take away blockages. Blockages that stand in the way of our joint dreams, intelligence, creativity and ambition. “Connection”, that’s what we need to face today’s challenges and taking chances to realize more and better harmony. In my opinion Procurement is “Connection”, crucial for success of organizations. When Procurement shows leadership to actually create value, that is the added value which organizations are looking for today. I wish everyone peace and inspiration during the holidays building belief in our own strength and dreams. Maybe we get ready and can truly say that we’ll make the world a better place in 2020. Happy New Year. Di-Mens Leadership in Procurement