"Must have" competences Procurement

With your pants around your ankles making a stand in serious matters isn't a situation that leads to a successful outcome. The goalie who let an easy ball go between his legs will opt for a different approach of the celebrated forward after his missed penalty than when he just has managed a clean sheet miraculously. This is the same for Procurement talking about the strategic impact on the organization. Operational/tactical issues like costcontrol and availability have to be under control to clear the way for the conversation with the business about value creation for the customer. You can only realize connection with the business when you have your house in order. Not for nothing operational competences like result-oriented, negotiating and cooperation are on top of the list of needed competences according to Management Procurement. Despite the rise of conceptuel competences like strategic insight, market orientation and analysing and forming opinions you won't be successful without the basics. Definitely not in today's market where the operation is working at full capacity.